
2017年9月23日 News



「作品の性表現により、中学生以下のお客様の鑑賞をご遠慮いただいております。That art work is prohivited any viewer under the age of middle-schooler due to the fact of its expressiveness.」

またそれに伴い開催前日の8月3日に、壁が展示室の中央に建てられました。メインの展示作品《The Three Graces》は、私が2014年より制作している「ラブドールは胎児の夢を見るか?」の新作です。2016年に発表した巨大なマタニティヌードの作品《The Future Mother》の展開として、黄金町バザールのためにテーマを決定し、会場の大きさに合わせたサイズで制作した作品です。写真作品3点1組で、展示室中央から鑑賞することを前提にしています。年齢制限のために後から設けられた壁によって当初想定していた鑑賞条件と異なってしまったことを残念に思います。

《The Three Graces》は「三美神」を意味し、ギリシア・ローマ神話に登場する三人の女神の姿を題材とした絵画・彫刻作品に見られる主題です。クラナッハ、ボッティチェルリ、ルーベンスなどの絵画作品によって知られています。ローマ神話においては三人の女神はそれぞれ「貞淑」「愛欲」「美」の象徴とされ、「貞淑」と「愛欲」のあいだを「美」がとりもつ図像として描かれます。黄金町は戦後に違法風俗店舗が軒を連ねる街になり、2005年の警察が一斉取り締まりを行った後、NPOによってアートによるまちづくりに取り組んでいるという歴史があります。黄金町バザールで展示するという文脈では「美」がアートを象徴する構図となると解釈しました。そして「妊娠したラブドール」が自分の意思で「マタニティーヌード」を撮影するというこれまでの《The Future Mother》の作品構造はそのままに、3つの写真を並べると「三美神」となるようにしました。「三美神」は描かれた当時は裸体画を制作する口実として好まれた題材であり、私の作品もまた巨匠の名画を模倣した人形のヌード写真です。「ラブドールは胎児の夢を見るか?」シリーズはこれまでに複数の場所でヌード作品であることを理由に展示不可となることがありました。つまり私もまた巨匠たちと同じ理由で三美神という題材を選んだのです。




“To everybody who appreciates MikaKan’s work at Koganecho bazaar”

There is an age restriction on Mika Kan’s work exhibition of Koganecho bazaar 2017. The following careful sentence is put up at the entrance of my exhibit space.

“That art work is prohibited any viewer under the age of middle-schooler due to the fact of its expressiveness.”

On August 3, it was the day before the opening day, a wall was built in the center of the exhibition room with that reason. A main my work “The Three Graces” on this exhibition is the newest series of “Do love dolls dream of babies?” that I have been working since 2014.  I decided the work to show is for a theme for Koganecho bazaar as a development of the work of a huge maternity nude photos “The Future Mother” which released in 2016. It’s necessary to consider some changes for the proper size in the exhibition place though. On the presumption, a picture work which means 3 pictures are set up as 1 work, it is appreciated from the exhibition room center with proper distance. I think of having been different from the enjoyment condition, it was regrettably situation to set up the wall built in front of the work by age restriction.

“The Three Graces” is “Sanbishin” ,who appeared on a Roman Greek myth and the figure of  “The three graces” is an artistic subject of painting and sculpture work as well, even it is showed undressed woman bodies with taboo. It is known by Cranach, Botticelli and Rubens’s painting works. In the Roman myth, three venues have each symbol such as “chasteness,” “sexual love” and “beauty”. The “beauty” describes the differences and gapes between “chasteness” and “sexual love”.

Koganecho town had a history that there were over 200 illegal brothels eaves after World War 2. In 2005, police cracked down on these shops. Since then, NPO has been working on town development by art. I agreed and understood the exhibition context that “beauty” was a composition which must be one of symbolizes arts for Koganecho bazaar.

Then, I chose that three pictures of my former work “The Future Mother” were placed on the condition such as “The Three Graces”. The work has created that “the pregnancy love doll” takes a picture of “maternity nude” with her willingness.

“The three graces” used to be one of favorable materials to draw nude pictures, and I also imitate former experts’ work to make possible to be displayed nude photos.

A series of “Do Lovedolls Dream of Babies?” was a nude work which inspired old master’s masterpiece, didn’t accept to exhibit at many places so far. In other words, I chose a subject as  “The Three Graces” by the same reason as old masters, too.

I heard that the decision of the age restriction on August 1, a day before the opening. It was progressing by the schedule which supposed to carry in and install the work. At the exhibition hall, I had an agreement for a zoning to be done by the context and no disagreement for age restriction.

However, if there would be noticed about holding age restriction and an installed wall in advance, I would be able to organize certainly exhibiting a significant work or the work which wouldn’t have to be under age restriction.

There are some critics to be difficult to see the work from such as short distance. In addition, it makes some troubles for a family including young children who enjoy appreciating at the exhibitions.

At the last, I would like to be known my apology, I should have opened to this announcement immediately right after the day of the exhibition starts, but opening an official announcement of sponsorship to the public and my apologies would be announced the same action, I apologize for the thing which appeared about one month later from exhibition starting.
